Upon closing this book, I immediately changed the charities I support and increased my donations. It left me with the empowering feeling that donating can be a very real alternative to doing good in the ‘traditional ways’, e.g. working directly for those in need or humanitarian organizations. For every 3,600donatedtoprotectpeoplefrommalariawithbednets,you(statistically)savealife.Forevery100 you donate to the rainforest, you save an acre or 260 tons of CO2 (the average North American is responsible for about 20 tons per year, so if you donate 8rightnowtoCoolEarthyou′re,statistically,CO2neutral).Ifyou′vebeenhesitanttodonateduetoconcernswithwhereyourmoneyendsup,theEffectiveAltruismmovementthoroughlyanalyzescharitiestomaximizeimpact.Theauthoristhehyper−rationaleconomisttype,layingoute.g.whydonatingconsistentlywillsavemorelivesthanbecomingadoctorinafirstworldcountry.Thatdonating<i>now</i>willcompoundatmuchhigherratesthananindex.I′vesignificantlyreducedmymeatintakeoverthepasttwoyearsforenvironmentalreasons,butthe(again,hyper−rational)authorlaysouthowdonating5 to the right charity to save rainforest (Cool Earth) will offset your meat intake if the environment is your primary concern (donate more, and you can go carbon negative to offset air travel, too). It gets a little too quantitative at times which I’m sure will set off some people.